Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


11th International Conference; Dublin, Ireland; 2022

Event Details

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Paper Session #125
Effective Interventions in Clinical Practice and Virtual Settings
Saturday, September 3, 2022
3:00 PM–3:25 PM
Meeting Level 2; Wicklow Hall 2A
Area: CBM
Chair: T. V. Joe Layng (Generategy, LLC)
Functional Analyses Conducted via Telehealth in an Applied Setting
Domain: Applied Research
JESSLYN N. FARROS (Center for Applied Behavior Analysis; Pepperdine University; Building Connections Behavioral Health), David Legaspi (Center For Applied Behavior Analysis), Michele D. Wallace (California State University, Los Angeles)
Abstract: Conducting efficient and accurate assessments prior to developing treatment to eliminate problem behavior is necessary. Most functional analyses (FA) are designed to be conducted in-person; however, some have utilized telehealth service delivery (TSD) model to conduct such assessments. Most TSD FA have been conducted utilizing a clinic-to-clinic video conferencing approach. Situations like the stay at home-order during a pandemic, make clinic-to-clinic video conferencing approach not possible. The current study sought to extended the current TSD FA literature by using a video conferencing home-to-home approach to determine the function of problem behavior. A TSD FA was conducted, in which sessions were conducted by a caregiver with video conferencing between the caregiver and behavior analyst in a home-to-home context. The function of problem behavior was determined across both participants. Benefits, barriers, and future direction of utilizing such an approach are discussed.
Nonlinear Contingency Analysis: On the Distinction Between Topical and Systemic Interventions in Clinical Practice
Domain: Service Delivery
T. V. JOE LAYNG (Generategy, LLC)
Abstract: Typically, behavioral interventions have as their focus some form of presenting complaint. The pattern is in someway considered disturbing, either to the individual, the immediate community, or both. Where the disturbing behavior is the focus of the intervention we can refer to such interventions as topical. A variety of procedures may be employed which include DRA, DRO, or extinction, among others. Certain cognitive strategies considered topical include, thought stopping, reframing, diffusion, and acceptance. Nonlinear Contingency Analysis opens the door to interventions whereby the presenting complaint can be found to be a function of contingency relations other than those in which the presenting complaint participates. Targeting those relations, and not the disturbing pattern, often can resolve the issues and provide meaningful change for the client or community. This talk will briefly describe four cases in which the ultimate constructional solution involved systemic intervention. Cases include individuals diagnosed with autism and a range of other so-called disorders, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. They will also show that, in some cases, topical and systemic intervention may be used together and are not necessarily mutually exclusive.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh