Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #99
OBM Saturday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Saturday, May 28, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
70. The Continued Use of Incentives to Increase Staff Participation in Training
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
JAMES SHERMAN (Evergreen Center), Joseph M. Vedora (Evergreen Center)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: Staff working in residential treatment programs are often assigned trainings to complete to help them perform their jobs more effectively. When staff do not complete trainings employers frequently provide corrective feedback to them. However, such feedback may not have the desired effect of increasing staff participation. In the current ongoing study, staff were provided verbal and written feedback during baseline if they did not complete their assigned trainings by agency due dates. During the intervention phase, staff were offered incentives for completing quarterly trainings before a specified deadline. Once staff completed the assigned training, they were entered into a randomized drawing for gift cards to popular locations. Staff could earn more entries into the drawing for completing training earlier in the quarter. The results indicated that incentives increased the number of staff that completed the quarterly trainings. As an extension, adjustments were made to the reinforcement delivery schedule in 2020 and reinforcement values in 2021. Incentives continue to demonstrate fidelity in increasing staff compliance. The implications of using incentives and different schedules of reinforcement in a human service organizations are discussed.
72. Examining Relationships in Applied Behavior Analysis: Training in Compassion, Burnout, Self-Compassion, and Inflexibility
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
CATHERINE MARY FULLER (Salem State University), Darlene E. Crone-Todd (Salem State University), Nele Schulze (Golden Steps ABA)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: Compassionate care has been shown to have a positive impact on treatment outcomes and is embedded as part of the 2022 Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Historically, applied behavior analyst training programs have not universally focused on training in compassion and building therapeutic relationships. It is also not clear to what extent behavior analysts incorporate compassion into their own professional roles (e.g., as practitioners, supervisors/supervisees, or trainers), or engage in additional professional or personal training in this area. A further aim was to investigate whether there are any relationships between the self-reported scores on the amount of training in compassion, burnout, self-compassion, and psychological inflexibility. In the present study, behavior analytic practitioners (n=96) were surveyed on their self-reported educational and professional training experiences in compassion and building therapeutic relationships, and their levels of burnout (OLBI), self-compassion (SCS-SF), and psychological inflexibility (AAQ-2). The self-reported results indicate little training in this area, moderate levels of burnout and self-compassion, and generally low levels of psychological inflexibility. Further, there is a negative relationship between self-compassion and inflexibility. These findings suggest a first step in which more specific training in compassion and psychological flexibility should be incorporated into graduate programs and the workplace.
74. Is It Only Skin Deep? Behavioral Systems Analysis and Consumer Analysis of a Facial Bar
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
MADELYN UPTHEGROVE (Temple University), Lindsay Ouellette (Temple University), Donald A. Hantula (Temple University)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: A behavior systems analysis was conducted for a facial bar within the health and wellness industry. The analysis encompassed not only the behavior and processes of the employees within the organization, but also a consumer behavior analysis of the customers. Direct observations and interviews were conducted about current processes, sales were analyzed to determine which customers were more likely to purchase products and add-on services, and scheduling was examined to maximize staff utilization and client bookings. Process maps were created. Suggested changes were discussed with the owner-operator throughout the process and final recommendations were presented at the end of the consultation. Based on analysis of organizational processes, recommendations presented to owner-operator included process map revisions to include (1) changes to the pre-facial consultation and the addition of a post-facial consultation, (2) the addition of a job aide for facial bar employees to promote product and service selections for staff, and (3) scheduling changes for both the owner-operator and further investigation on the expansion of general business operating hours.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh