Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

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Poster Session #511
PCH Monday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters
Monday, May 30, 2022
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Fabio Leyser Goncalves (Universidade Estadual Paulista)
33. Learning to play a Musical Composition: A Window to See, Understand, and Explain Principles of Behavior and Brain/Behavior Interactions
Area: PCH; Domain: Theory
RICHARD COOK (Applied Behavior Medicine Associates of Hershey)
Discussant: Fabio Leyser Goncalves (Universidade Estadual Paulista)
Abstract: Learning to play a Musical composition provides a window to see Brain and Behavior Interactions. Eventually the day dreaming piano student realizes that the fingers are playing notes, correctly or incorrectly, and the brain is focused on something else. Understanding the sequences of behavior, at times occurring far faster than one can actually consciously read the music and direct up to ten fingers to strike, and in what sequence, illustrates the brain's acting before the "conscious" thought or the finger strikes the key, as the brain prepares the finger to move to a note, the wrist to change its angle for the next note, without the pianist consciously noting or directing such. Similarly, when one sits down to play a piece of music not played in months or even years, one can watch as deliberate attempts to read the music and slowly strike the correct note, become followed eventually with the other hand playing, and both hands playing faster, than once is consciously directing, as the firing of learned well but long forgotten neural trace pathways increase the robustness of connections (decrease resistance) at the synapses, and subsequently recruit "collateral" neural pathways previously associated with the targeted pathway. Presentation to include examples highlighting these and other principle points, as well as feature fMRI imaging studies associating the behavior of playing a musical instrument with the neural imaging of brain pathways directing it.
35. Citation Analysis of Empirical and Conceptual Applications of Interbehaviorism in Contemporary Research: 1984-2021
Area: PCH; Domain: Basic Research
Kristina Axenova (Western University), ALBERT MALKIN (Southern Illinois University / Western University)
Discussant: Fabio Leyser Goncalves (Universidade Estadual Paulista)

J.R Kantor’s Interbehaviorism, developed in the early 20th century, is a system which is characteristic of a naturalistic foundation to explain all scientific psychology, behavior, and activity. The aim of this citation analysis is to examine the influence of Interbehaviorism between 1984 and 2021; a window of time encompassing contemporary applications since research by Ruben (1984), who evaluated major trends in Interbehavioral psychology between 1937 and 1983. The current analysis focused on peer-reviewed Empirical (experimental) and Non-Empirical (reviews or conceptual) studies citing Interbehavior-related search terms. The analysis was further organized by journal, topic, empirical details (populations, participant demographics, manipulation, measures, results), and country of origin. Databases searched included Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar. The analysis revealed 91 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 10 (10.9%) were Empirical and 81 (89%) were Non-Empirical. The Non-Empirical category included 21 (23.5%) Review and 60 (74%) Conceptual articles. These results shed light on the ongoing nature of the influence of Interbehaviorism on contemporary research.

37. Defining the Practice of Behavior Analysis According to State Law
Area: PCH; Domain: Service Delivery
CODY MORRIS (Salve Regina University ), Biance Jasmine Ferrucci (Salve Regina University ), Jacqueline Wilson (Salve Regina University ), Margaret Donovan (Salve Regina University ), Mackenzie T Robichaud (Salve Regina University )
Discussant: Fabio Leyser Goncalves (Universidade Estadual Paulista)
Abstract: The practice of behavior analysis has historically been defined by foundational publications within the field such as Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968). However, recent efforts to establish licensure for behavior analysts across the United States has shifted the power to define the practice of behavior analysis from behavior analytic publications to state laws. Thus, a careful review of the wording and implications of state laws pertaining to the practice of behavior analysis is warranted. The current project reviewed licensure laws for behavior analysts across the 33 states that currently license behavior analysts. Each licensing law was reviewed and coded for its description of the scope and definition of behavior analysis as well as its exclusionary criteria. Two independent reviewers coded each item for each state with a 95% initial agreement across all coded items. The results of the review found many interesting similarities and differences in the state laws, including references to identifying functional relations and producing socially significant improvements, which were identified in 85% and 82% of state laws, respectively. Other similarities and differences, as well as their implications, will be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh