Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

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Poster Session #527
CBM Monday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Monday, May 30, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway)
Diversity submission 74. An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
ANGELICA A. AGUIRRE (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Emily Boduch (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Ellie Bungum (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Katja Nielsen (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Breanna Perron (Minnesota State University, Mankato)
Discussant: Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway)
Abstract: Cyberbullying is associated with many negative outcomes for both the bully and the victim (Fahy et al., 2016; Kowalski et al., 2014; Merrell et al., 2008; Quintana-Orts & Rey, 2018). There has been a large research focus on the causes (Barlett & Gentile, 2012; Mehari & Farrell, 2018) and consequences of cyber aggression, but there has not been as much focus on the evaluation of prevention and intervention strategies (Gaffney et al., 2018). One intervention that shows promise for the reduction of cyberbullying behavior is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which uses several techniques, including mindfulness and values techniques, to increase psychological flexibility (Christie, Atkins, & Donald, 2017; Villatte et al., 2016; Zarling, Lawrence, and Marchman, 2015). The current study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief mindfulness and values training for reducing the frequency of cyber bullying behavior in college students. Focusing primarily on the mindfulness and values components of the ACT package to determine whether they will be enough to effectively reduce cyber bullying behavior through increased awareness, compassion, and goal-directed behavior. A preliminary analysis of the data showed a decrease in cyber bullying behaviors from pre-test to post-test which continued into the follow-up.
76. The Term “Social Incentive” in Behavioral Economics: A Discussion of Its Use and Recommendations for Future Research
Area: CBM; Domain: Theory
LINDSEY ANNE IVES (University of Florida)
Discussant: Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway)
Abstract: "Social incentives” have been cited in the behavioral economic and contingency management literatures as a tool for treating a variety of health behaviors including those related to substance use, medication adherence, and physical activity. When utilized in conjunction with or alternate to monetary incentives, social incentives could mitigate some of the frequently reported concerns regarding the use of monetary rewards (e.g., high economic burden, feasibility of widescale adoption). Given the success of monetary- and voucher-based contingency management programs, it would be advantageous to investigate the viability of social incentive use in addressing health behaviors. While some research has demonstrated promise in its application, the descriptions of ‘social incentive’ have been variable. This is unsurprising when considering unique challenges associated with utilizing social stimuli, particularly given the difficulty of assessing reinforcing value and the reliance on other individuals for its delivery. A discussion of the use of ‘social incentive’ in behavior economic literature is presented and recommendations for a more technological definition in future research are proposed.
78. Referral and Treatment for Smoking Cessation: Considerations for Clinicians
Area: CBM; Domain: Service Delivery
ALEXANDRA KNERR (University of Florida), Lesleigh Ann Stinson (University of Florida), Jesse Dallery (University of Florida)
Discussant: Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway)

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, where an estimated 14% of adults currently smoke (CDC, 2019). Practicing behavior analysts are an untapped resource for treatment referral and in some cases treatment delivery. We review practical considerations for clinicians interested in providing smoking cessation referrals and treatment. We describe recommended procedures for referrals to evidence-based treatment, including the 5 A’s (Tobacco Use and Dependence Guideline Panel, 2008) and Ask, Advise, Connect (Vidrine et al., 2013), and web- and mobile-based cessation programs. We also provide a framework of general contingency management (CM) procedures for smoking cessation and describe common CM variations. We detail important clinical decision points including method of biochemical verification, reinforcer selection, and considerations for use with electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Finally, we touch on the ethical considerations regarding scope of competency for behavior analysts interested in practicing in this area. Behavior analysts can use this information to help clients quit smoking.

Sustainability submission 80. Combustible Tobacco Byproduct on a Tobacco-Free Campus: A Surrogate Policy Analysis
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
BRETT GELINO (University of Kansas), ALLYSON R SALZER (University of Kansas), Joshua Harsin (University of Kansas), Gideon P. Naudé (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), Derek D. Reed (University of Kansas)
Discussant: Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway)

Recent years reveal a marked uptick in university- and hospital-campus adoption of tobacco-free regulation, a movement promising significant health and environmental benefit. Given the similarities between community-level change agents (i.e., those that might yield meaningful advancement of public health or sustainability-focused policy) and campus policy, demonstration of campus regulation success—in compliance and outcome—via behavior analytic methodology is of notable value. The present study examines combustible tobacco-product refuse accumulation on a large university campus preceding and following enaction of a tobacco-free policy. We collected, counted, and compared tobacco wastes across four sites; behavior analytic involvement from the early planning stages of policy implementation guided intervention efforts (e.g., preliminary surveying among campus faculty, staff, and students as to where smoking most frequently occurred). Statistical testing suited for time-series research designs supplemented visual analysis. Results infer (a) a meaningful and sustained reduction of tobacco byproduct in all locations, and (b) a successful application of behavior analytic methods in evaluating a policy with plausible community benefit.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh