Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Event Details

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Symposium #379
CE Offered: BACB — 
Celeration and Crimes Against Humanity: Part 2
Sunday, May 24, 2020
6:00 PM–6:50 PM
Marriott Marquis, Level M4, Liberty N-P
Area: CSS/PCH; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Amy D. Wiech (ABC Group, Inc. Hawaii)
CE Instructor: Amy D. Wiech, Ph.D.

The authors use the standard celeration chart to examine behavioral phenomenon that are not only underappreciated in behavior analysis, but publicly world-wide. Police suicide, violence and killing and nefarious behaviors including terrorist attacks that are commonplace in America and the United Kingdom. But the application of science to analyzing these is far less common, making solutions to these elusive. While newspapers print trends of various crimes against humanity, these are not always listed in the most helpful and accurate terms for understanding what story the data are telling. Building on the positive audience response the authors received at the Annual Conference in 2019, the authors offer an update on current celebration trends of these behaviors. The second paper depicts a depiction of police aggression in the U.K., compared to the data available for Australia when gun control was instituted. By applying behavior analysis to these phenomenon, there is potential for the field of ABA to develop solutions. The authors use celeration to understand and interpret these trends over the last several years. Broader implications of these trends and possible solutions for public safety and prevention are discussed.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Target Audience:

Intermediate and advanced ABA professionals, particularly those interested in spreading ABA beyond autism

Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the BACB Task List Items relevant to this learning activity. 2. Explain the benefits of using celeration over traditional methods of illustrating data. 3. Describe how behavior analytics offer solutions for these widespread social problems.
Behavior Analysis: The Ideal Technology for Improving Critical Issues of the Unites States’ Law Enforcement Community
AMY D. WIECH (ABC Group, Inc. Hawaii)
Abstract: Behavior analysis is a valuable technology worthy of dissemination beyond autism alone. This presentation provides an update to current celeration patterns of people killed by police (regardless of cause) and law enforcement officers who have died by suicide. The real crime against humanity is the exclusion of ABA in Law Enforcement today. The authors suggest several behavior analytic solutions to bring ABA into Law Enforcement such as improving officer health and wellness, improving relations between police and the community at large, and helping law enforcement legitimize their field using evidence-based practices including single subject design research locally. Grassroots paths for behavior analysts to assist in dissemination efforts within the field of law enforcement will be proposed.
Growing Concerns in the United Kingdom
KRISTOPHER R KIELBASA (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
Abstract: Murder, theft, guns, and now knives are growing concerns in the United Kingdom as they continue to implement more restrictive policies about what tools citizens are allowed to carry. Notably, firearm availability among law enforcement and private citizens are far more restrictive in the U.K. than in the U.S. The authors use the unique view offered by the standard celeration chart to analyze how effective these restrictions are. The analysis goes beyond examining the impact on the problems for which these punitive contingencies were intended. Using celeration, unforeseen side effects of the restrictions are also investigated, such as shifts in response allocation to other tools of crime. The author also describes how these celeration trends fit into the broader effects that other nations’ firearm restrictions have had. Social and public implications of these data are discussed.
Terrorism: Will it Ever End?
KENT A. CORSO (Xcelerate Innovations, LLC)
Abstract: Terrorism is a sinister phenomenon that has grown over the last two centuries across the world. It is defined as intentional violence against civilians motivated by political goals. It refers to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral people). The terms "terrorist" and "terrorism" originated during the French Revolution of the late 18th century, but gained mainstream popularity in the 1970s as popular media outlets and books covered the conflicts in Northern Ireland, the Basque Country and Palestine. The increased use of improvised explosive devises (IEDs) from the 1980s onwards characterizes the most recent forms of international terrorism including package type IEDs, suicide bomb IEDs and vehicle-born IEDs. This paper explores celeration trends in terrorism over the last several decades. Particular attention is paid to coinciding variables and societal conditions in history to help elucidate any patterns that might be contributing to these phenomena.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh