Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Symposium #494
CE Offered: BACB
Recent Development of Applying Behavior Analysis Tactics to Teach Grade Level Contents in General Education Settings
Monday, May 30, 2022
12:00 PM–12:50 PM
Meeting Level 1; Room 102A
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Yifei Sun (Fred S Keller School)
CE Instructor: Yifei Sun, Ph.D.

The Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS®) Accelerated Independent Learner (AIL) model focuses on teaching essential academic and self-management skills and arranging instructions that allow students to become lifelong independent learners. This symposium will present three papers focused on the arrangement of pedagogy and curriculum utilized in our upper elementary CABAS® AIL classrooms. We will discuss how we arranged instruction to maximize student learning for various grade-level topics in Mathematics and English Language Arts given limited daily instruction time. In the first paper, we compared how targeting different geometry relations (i.e., name, image, definition) in instruction affected students’ acquisition of geometrical concepts, which led to significant increase in their testing scores in the domain of geometry. In the second paper, we will discuss how we utilized matrix training to teach students novel vocabulary words in individual or group settings that allowed students to derive meanings for other vocabulary words. In the third paper, we will discuss how a conditioned seeing procedure rapidly improved reading comprehension for our struggling readers. Results of those papers indicated the importance of applying behavioral tactics to efficiently arrange instruction delivery to optimize student learning.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): Conditioned Seeing, General Education, Geometry, Vocabulary
Target Audience:

School behavior analysts, general education teachers, special education teachers

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) Select geometrical relations to effectively teach geometrical concepts; (2) Utilize matrix training to teach advanced vocabulary words involving prefixes and suffixes; (3) Implement conditioned seeing procedure to improve reading comprehension
Which Ones to Teach? How Teaching Different Geometry Relations Affects Student Learning
YIFEI SUN (Fred S Keller School), Grant Gautreaux (Nicholls State University), Jennifer Weber (Teachers College, Columbia University & Nicholls St. University )
Abstract: We used a reversal design counterbalanced across participants to compare the effectiveness of equivalent-based instruction for geometry concepts. Four fifth-grade students who performed below grade level for geometry participated in the study. We taught four sets of four geometry concepts under two different experimental conditions. For each geometry concept, we outlined six relations between the name, image, and definition of the concept. The independent variables of the study were the two experimental conditions during which teachers taught a selection response (i.e., given the name of the shape, select image) and a speaker response (i.e., given image, tact shape in condition A, and given name, state definition in Condition B) to mastery. The dependent variables of the study were the number of correct responses emitted to untaught relations, and the number of instructional trials and duration required for students to demonstrate mastery of taught relations. We found that all students emitted more correct responses to untaught correspondences after receiving instruction targeting the name-definition correspondence. All students required fewer instructional trials to demonstrate mastery of target relations in a comparable amount or shorter amount of time. All participants demonstrated an increase in geometry performance after the study without receiving additional instructions in geometry.

The Effectiveness of Matrix Training to Teach Vocabulary With Prefixes and Suffixes

ELLIS SMITH (Teachers College Applied Behavior Analysis ), Yifei Sun (Fred S Keller School), Jennifer Weber (Teachers College, Columbia University & Nicholls St. University )

In 2 experiments, we used multiple probe designs across sets of words to examine the acquisition of novel vocabulary words with affixes for 4 elementary school students. In Experiment 1, we used a 3-by-3 matrix combining three prefixes and 3 suffixes into 9 novel vocabulary words. We taught the students the meaning of 3 of the 9 words formed by those prefixes and suffixes in a 1-to-1 setting. We found that upon mastery of the three words, participants also emitted correct responses to 6 untaught words during post-intervention and maintenance probes across all 3 sets of words. The participants also emitted correct responses towards other novel words combining the target prefixes and suffixes with known word parts. In Experiment 2, we systematically replicated Experiment 1 by teaching words formed by a 5-by-5 matrix in a group setting. After mastery of target words, all participants also emitted correct responses to untaught words. Findings of the current studies suggested a more efficient way of organizing and teaching vocabulary words involving prefixes and suffixes.

The Effects of a Conditioned Seeing Intervention on Reading Comprehension for Third Grade Students
MARY-GENEVIEVE WHITE (Teachers College, Columbia University), Jennifer Weber (Teachers College, Columbia University & Nicholls St. University ), Amanda Arroyo (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Visualization is a skill that helps students to comprehend texts more accurately. When reading, children who “see” the characters, setting, and events as they were reading the text often perform better when answering reading comprehension questions. Skinner referred to the process of seeing and hearing stimuli that are not physically present in the environment as conditioned seeing. We adapted Mercorella's (2017) dissertation protocol to create daily, technology-based conditioned seeing tasks in a general education, third-grade classroom. Participants selected matching images after reading and hearing texts provided at their independent reading level. We slowly increased the rigor of the text in which students accurately responded. Data showed increased accurate conditioned seeing responses for more rigorous texts and increased reading levels across all students who received the intervention. Results suggested a potentially efficient and effective intervention method for teachers to corporate in daily instructions.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh