Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Symposium #559
CE Offered: BACB
Behavioral Instruction: Useful Applications for Teaching Graduate Students
Monday, May 30, 2022
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Meeting Level 2; Room 205B
Area: EDC/TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Kendra Guinness (Regis College)
CE Instructor: Kendra Guinness, Ph.D.

This symposium will outline three lines of research that used asynchronous behavioral instruction to teach graduate students skills needed in order to be successful students in behavior analysis. These study demonstrate the utility of asynchronous behavioral instruction to teach graduate students how to enter practicum data on their fieldwork tracker, how to correctly use Association Psychological Association (APA) formatting, and teaching graphing conventions. By using behavioral instruction to teach APA formatting, participants increased their accuracy in APA citations across trained and novel exemplars. After using behavioral instruction to teach correct data entry for fieldwork, all participants scored above the mastery criterion in their completion of both their daily fieldwork logs and monthly form. Finally, behavioral instruction and checklists were helpful in teaching graduate students to use correct graphing conventions. Limitations and areas of future research will be discussed.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): APA citations, behavioral instruction, graduate students, graphing conventions
Target Audience:

professors and/or supervisors and those teaching graduate students

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to (1)Use behavioral instruction to teach correct graphing conversions. (2) Use behavioral instruction to teach correct data entry on fieldwork forms. (3)Use behavioral instruction to teach correct APA formatting for graduate students
Effects of Behavioral Instruction and Feedback Checklists on Graphing Conventions
KENDRA GUINNESS (Regis College), Philip N. Chase (Simmons University), Kylan S. Turner (Simmons University), Judah B. Axe (Simmons University)
Abstract: Graphing is a complex but critical skill for behavior analysts. We evaluated the effects of conceptual training modules based on behavioral instruction and feedback checklists on verbal behavior about graphing conventions and adherence to graphing conventions with graduate students in behavior analysis. In Experiment 1, conceptual training increased the accuracy of verbal behavior about graphing conventions, though both participants achieved criterion in the absence of instruction for some skills. When graphing adherence failed to meet criterion, feedback checklists were implemented, which resulted in criterion performance. In Experiment 2, the checklists were provided as the primary intervention. Two out of four participants reached criterion for graphing adherence and verbal behavior with this intervention alone, while the remaining two participants reached criterion after a combination of checklists and conceptual training. This evaluation highlights the utility of a sequential approach to training the component skills of a complex repertoire while assessing skill acquisition at the level of the individual learner.

Teaching American Psychological Association Citations Formatting Using Behavioral Instruction

JACQUELYN MACDONALD (Regis College), Kendra Guinness (Regis College), Ryan Atkinson (Simmons University Regis College), Diana Parry-Cruwys (Regis College)

The current study evaluated the use of an asynchronous, computer-based programmed system of instruction to teach graduate students to accurately cite references using APA formatting. Nine master’s students in ABA participated. Participants were taught to complete in-text and full reference citations in a concurrent multiple probe across skills design for 7 participants and a concurrent multiple probe across participants design for 2 participants. Most participants did not correctly use APA citation formatting when probed in the baseline condition. Following training, participants increased their accuracy in APA citations across trained and novel exemplars. Two participants’ data showed limited functional control due to increases in baseline. One participant required an additional visual checklist to reach mastery criterion for one skill. Participants reported increased confidence with APA citations formatting following training and overall satisfaction with the training. Limitations to the current study and future uses of behavioral instruction as a technology will be discussed


Training Graduate Students to Enter Practicum Data Using Behavioral Instruction

RYAN ATKINSON (Regis College Simmons University), Diana Parry-Cruwys (Regis College), Jacquelyn M. MacDonald (Regis College)

The purpose of the current study was to assess the effects of asynchronous behavioral instruction on correct practicum fieldwork data entry. This was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 targeted the completion of daily practicum fieldwork activities, whereas Part 2 focused on the completion of monthly fieldwork forms. Participants were twenty graduate students beginning their practicum experiences in pursuance of their BCBA credentials. The majority of participants did not reach the mastery criterion in baseline after only reviewing the practicum resources provided by the BACB for both phases. After undergoing training, all participants scored above the mastery criterion in their completion of both their daily fieldwork logs and monthly forms. Limitations and areas for future research are discussed.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh