Behavior Analysts as Collaborative Higher Education Assessment Experts |
Friday, May 24, 2024 |
8:00 AM–3:00 PM |
Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin Hall 1-2 |
Area: EDC/TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
CE Instructor: Darlene E. Crone-Todd, Ph.D. |
DARLENE E. CRONE-TODD (Salem State University) |
Description: At various levels of higher education, assessment is key. Assessment of “what”, “how”, and “why” is important for all stakeholders, which include students, faculty, deans, provosts/chancellors, presidents, board members, and external accreditation entities. Understanding what “assessment” means for each of these categories of stakeholders, and how using a combined approach as behavior analysts working at the various levels can encourage practices that are based on important and meaningful academic behavior and outcomes, in an inclusive and diverse manner, is paramount to success. In this workshop, best practices will be described and applied based on the literature, and attendees will have the opportunity to put into practice what they learn. This workshop will be helpful to those learning how to conduct different types of assessment, and learning to do so for accreditation purposes. |
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe what assessment is, both generally and behaviorally 2. Describe the different types of assessment at various levels of higher education, and why that is important from a functional analysis perspective 3. Describe how to evaluate changes in courses and curricula at the program and university level 4. Describe how to create comparisons between external accreditation requirements and current/planned program components 5. Describe how to use a team approach in approaching assessment |
Activities: It is expected that the following workshop activities will take place: 1. Brief lectures to orient and introduce topics 2. Breakouts into smaller groups for focused discussion and application exercises 3. Guided discussion based on the smaller groups 4. Supplemental materials will be provided with examples, as well as case studies 5. Additional materials will be used to have attendees work on creating their own assessment examples at each level, and working to coordinate the elements into a cohesive set of materials for different stakeholders 6. Additional materials will be available to identify the functions of each type of assessment, and its level |
Audience: Intermediate or advanced: This workshop would be most valuable for graduate students and faculty who teach in colleges and universities. Also for chairpersons, program coordinators, deans, etc., who are involved in program-level or institutional-level assessment. |
Content Area: Practice |
Instruction Level: Intermediate |
Keyword(s): Accreditation Standards, Assessment, Higher Education, Team Approach |