Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


50th Annual Convention; Philadelphia, PA; 2024

Event Details

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Symposium #435
CE Offered: BACB — 
Learn About Practical Tools for Pyramidal Training and Supervision That Yield Measurable Long-Term Outcomes
Monday, May 27, 2024
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Marriott Downtown, Level 5, Grand Ballroom Salon AB
Area: TBA; Domain: Translational
Chair: Kieva S. Hranchuk (Brock University)
Discussant: Rosemary A. Condillac (Brock University)
CE Instructor: Rosemary A. Condillac, Ph.D.

This symposium will review practical tools and models for training and supervision that can be used to directly measure training outcomes as well as identify factors that might affect the outcomes of training. Results from two applied research projects that used a pyramidal (train the trainer) approach to staff training will be reviewed to highlight the direct training, outcomes for service recipients, and the social validity of the tools, approaches to training, and models. The first presentation will review the Teacher Performance and Accuracy (TPRA) measure, a practical tool supervisors can use in their daily practice. It is helpful to ensure training adherence and that supervision goals align with performance outcomes. In the second presentation, we will review the outcomes of the Community Capacity Development Initiative (CCDI). We will share factors that contributed to and impeded training success, which was consistent with the model for fostering community capacity to support adults with intellectual disabilities who engage in challenging behavior (Mullins & Scott, 2022) based on organizational behavior management and knowledge translation. This symposium will help supervisors and trainers measure staff outcomes and gain an understanding of organizational and individual factors that affect training outcomes, generalization, and maintenance.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): Capacity building, Program evaluation, Staff training, Supervision
Target Audience:

This presentation is rated “intermediate” as attendees will require basic understanding of three-term contingency trials, mastery criteria, and organizational and individual factors that affect training outcomes, generalization, and maintenance.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) use the Teacher Performance and Accuracy Form (TPRA) in their daily practice as supervisors; (2) align supervision goals with performance outcomes; (3) measure staff outcomes using the TPRA; and (4) discuss organizational and individual factors that affect training outcomes, generalization and maintenance.

Utilizing the Teacher Performance and Accuracy (TPRA) Measure in Staff Training and Supervision

(Applied Research)
KIEVA S. HRANCHUK (Brock University), Carly Eby (The Autism Centre of Toronto), Joan Broto (Launch Behavioural Health)

One of the goals of training and supervision is to ensure that our supervisees acquire the necessary knowledge and skills as a clinician, which in turn results in client progress (LeBlanc et al., 2020). The Teacher Performance and Accuracy (TPRA) measure is a measurement system for trial-based instruction (Ingham & Greer, 1992) that measures moment-to-moment interlocking three-term contingencies (i.e., Learn Units) between the teacher or instructor and the learner (Greer, 2002). The TPRA has been used to demonstrate accurate teacher performance, an objective feedback method, and the acquisition of clinical skills. In this presentation, we will discuss the use of TPRA in staff training and supervision practices and as a treatment integrity tool and the effects of the TPRA measure on teacher behaviour. We will present a mixture of both reports of their experiences and experimental data to highlight the beneficial use of this measure. The TPRA was found to be an effective tool for teacher training and supervision and leads to positive outcomes for learners.


Evaluation of Community Capacity Initiative to Address Challenging Behaviour of Adults With Developmental Disabilities

(Service Delivery)
Laura E. Mullins (Brock University), KAYLA M. M. CORMIER (Brock University)

Effective training in positive behavior support is crucial for direct support professionals (DSP) supporting adults with developmental disabilities with complex needs. The Community Capacity Development Initiative (CCDI) is a pyramidal training initiative which aims to increase community capacity in improving quality of life and decreasing problem behaviors. This sequential mixed methods design aimed to evaluate perceptions of the effectiveness of the CCDI in facilitating this capacity development. Former CCDI participants from nine agencies completed an online survey (n = 20) and follow-up interviews (individually or in groups; n = 12). Results suggest that participants maintained their knowledge and continued to apply the skills with others they supported. Further, the initiative was reported to improve the quality of life of the service users involved in the process. This presentation will review some of the factors that contributed to and impeded success, which were consistent with the model for fostering community capacity to support adults with intellectual disabilities who engage in challenging behavior (Mullins & Scott, 2022). The results of this research study may help improve the effectiveness and impact of training programs within the adult developmental service sector and improve services impacting the quality of life.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh