Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


50th Annual Convention; Philadelphia, PA; 2024

Event Details

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Symposium #428
CE Offered: BACB
Using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in Conjunction With Student Outcomes in Classrooms
Monday, May 27, 2024
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Marriott Downtown, Level 5, Grand Ballroom Salon E
Area: EDC/AUT; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Robert F. Putnam (May Institute)
CE Instructor: Emily Baton, Ph.D.

Effective classroom behavior management strategies, use of high leverage classroom practices, fidelity and teacher coaching are fundamental for fostering conducive learning environments and improving student outcomes (Simonsen et al., 2008; Caldarella et al., 2019) regardless of disability status. These interventions can be applied beyond a single unit of analysis, supporting students of varied needs across tiers and presentations (Horner & Sugai 2015; Putnman & Kincaid 2015). Yet teachers have reported that they do not feel equipped and prepared to effectively manage the classroom (Begeny & Martens, 2006; Chelsey & Jordan, 2012). This symposium will review published research and bring together three studies completed in school settings that investigated the impact high-leverage classroom practices and their subsequent impact on student outcomes. These studies will collectively shed light on the vital role that effective teaching and classroom management methodologies play in shaping education. The first presentation will provide the audience with an overview of coaching fidelity data from a tri-state implementation of the Modular Approach to Autism Programming in Schools (MAAPS) model. The second study will describe a federally funded grant to develop a class-wide modular approach for assisting teachers in self-contained classrooms with students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). The third study will review data surrounding common high-leverage classroom practices (HLCPs) to improve overall classroom management in the public education environment. Through the alignment of these studies, this symposiym wil provide the audience various knowledge on coaching, fidelity, and practical insights and suggestions for ABA in Public Education.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): active coaching, classwide support, schools
Target Audience:


Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe strategies for implementing interventions class-wide and at the individual level for students in school academic settings. 2. Describe high-level classroom practices to improve overall classroom management across all SW-PBIS tiers. 3. Describe and understand the research around active coaching guidance and the skills used.

Modular Approach to Autism Programming in Schools (MAAPS): Coaching Teachers to Enhance Intervention Implementation for Autistic Students

ROSE IOVANNONE (University of South Florida/College of Behavioral and Community Sciences), Cynthia M. Anderson (May Institute), Lynne Levato (Associate Professor of Pediatrics University of Rochester ), Krystal Mcfee (University of South Florida)

Abstract: Although there are established evidence-based practices (EBPs) for autistic students, teachers often do not implement them as intended in school settings for many reasons, including the lack of coaching support. Modular approaches to intervention implementation provide frameworks that allow teachers, with coaching guidance, to select, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of EBPs. Coaches provide ongoing active support that ensures the intervention is implemented with fidelity and allows adjustments to be made in response to data trends. The Modular Approach to Autism Programming in Schools (MAAPS) is a comprehensive Tier 3 intervention that helps teachers implement EBPs for students on the autism spectrum. MAAPS is in the fourth and final year of a 4-year randomized controlled trial, and all activities, including coaching support, are delivered virtually. An earlier pilot study showed high teacher acceptance of MAAPS, and students who received MAAPS improved in the primary outcomes. The presentation will give participants an overview of the intervention, describe the coaching procedures, and provide preliminary RCT outcomes.


Using a Modular-Based Assessment and Coaching Model to Assist Teachers in Implementing Class-Wide Interventions for Students With Emotional Disturbance

Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida), Rose Iovannone (University of South Florida/College of Behavioral and Community Sciences), EMILY BATON (May Institute ), Ashley dreiss (University of South Florida), Zelda Fleming (University of South Florida ), Ruby Joseph (University of South Florida )

Compared to other students who receive special education services, students with emotional disturbance (ED) demonstrate significantly more social and/or behavioral problems (Poulou, 2015; Wang & Fredricks, 2014). A wide research-to-practice gap exists regarding what works in classroom management for students with ED (Gable, 2014). Modular approaches allow teachers to select and customize evidence-based practices to have contextual fit for their classroom. This project evaluated a modular approach in which teachers completed an assessment and selected specific practices that would be most helpful for addressing class-wide behavior concerns. Behavior skills training and practice-based coaching were used to train teachers to implement the module strategies. Teachers selected the routine or time of day in which challenging behavior occurred most often. Data on class-wide challenging behavior and student engagement was collected using a multiple baseline design across classrooms. Results indicated that student engagement increased for all classrooms and challenging behavior decreased after implementation of the modules by teachers. Teacher fidelity data was high and social validity data from teachers indicated that the modules were feasible to implement and resulted in perceived improvements in class-wide behaviors.


How Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) Can Improve Classroom Management Practices Across Tiers

FINA ROBERTSON (Endicott College, Gardner Public Schools), Robert F. Putnam (May Institute), Amber Casavant (Gardner Public Schools), Joyce West (Gardner Public Schools), Mark Pellegrino (Gardner Public Schools)

This Presentation will provide behavior analysts a review of the research on evidence-based practices as it relates to classwide behavior support. (Simonsen &; Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai, 2008; Simonsen et al., 2015; Reinke, Herman & Sprick, 2011). These practices include:1) antecedent practices (physical layout, classroom expectations, behavioral routines, teaching expectations and routines, precorrections, active supervision); 2) instructional management (opportunities to respond), 3) reinforcement practices (contingent behavioral-specific praise, group contingencies, and token economies, behavioral contracts) and consequence (planning ignoring, explicit reprimands, differential reinforcement, response cost, and timeout). The presentation will advance the skills and knowledge of BCBAs to apply their applied behavior analytic skills beyond the unit of child/client to larger units of school and district with a focus on the classroom level. Lastly, a case study and data of Gardner Public Schools using the Classroom Observation Tool (Putnam & Handler, 2020) will be reviewed with a focus on student outcomes across three tiers.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh