Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


50th Annual Convention; Philadelphia, PA; 2024

Event Details

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Symposium #63
How Instructional Design Can Help Behavior Analysts?
Saturday, May 25, 2024
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Convention Center, 100 Level, 103 A
Area: DDA/TBA; Domain: Theory
Chair: Ana Carolina Sella (Aprendizagem em Pauta)
Discussant: T. V. Joe Layng (Endicott College & Generategy, LLC)
CE Instructor: Ana Carolina Sella, Ph.D.

Behavior analysts are working in a time in which the manualization and protocolization of assessments and intervention procedures is ever intensifying. At the same time, behavior analysis courses seem to be resulting in technical, uncritical repertoires: behavior analysts seem to lack skills to assess data and explanation present in conceptual and empirical studies. The purpose of this symposium is to present how instructional design can support behavior analysts in designing, building, implementing and monitoring teaching and assessment procedures. In the first symposium, learners will describe (a) overlaps between Instructional Design and Behavior Analysis; (b) contingencies that might prevent behavior analysts from looking at procedures from different instructional design approaches and (c) possible consequences of the separation between different niches within behavior analysis. In the second symposium, a specific example on how instructional design might inform teaching procedures for children with autism spectrum disorders will be presented. The differences between concept teaching and multiple exemplar training will be presented and behavior analytic research that aimed at concept teaching for children with autism.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): Areas Intersections, Behavior Analysis, Concept teaching, Instructional Design
Target Audience:

Intermediate. Pre-requisite skills. Prior to the symposium, the audience should be able to (a) define instructional design; (b) define behavior analysis; (c) define and describe contingencies

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) describe overlaps between Instructional Design and Behavior Analysis; (2) describe contingencies that might prevent behavior analysts from looking at procedures from different instructional design approaches; (3) describe possible consequences of the separation between different niches within behavior analysis; (4) define concept teaching and how it differs from multiple exemplar training; (5) cite and describe research on teaching concepts for children with autism.

Restricted Behavior Among Applied Behavior Analysts: Why Are We Not Looking at Instructional Design?

ANA CAROLINA SELLA (Aprendizagem em Pauta), Anna Beatriz Queiroz (Bá Educa e Instituto Par), Elis Maria Tuon Pereia Vaz (Instituto PAR)

Instructional design and behavior analysis have a long history together. Overlaps between these areas include, but are not limited to, setting measurable, observable learning objectives, analyzing what needs to be taught in order to reach the objectives, designing and implementing effective teaching procedures, choosing stimuli, monitoring and assessing results, and making data-based decisions. However, studies that bring together these areas, empirical or theoretical, are sparse. This presentation aims at presenting some of the overlaps between these areas and possible contingencies that might be responsible for a detachment between them. Financial contingencies, professional recognition within behavior analysis, increased probability of publication and funding are contingencies that could be responsible for the separation. In addition, consequences of this separation such as the creation of several verbal communities within behavior analysis, which might result in communication difficulties and probably in the misuse of several intervention packages by those who do not consume technical and scientific behavior analytic knowledge through analytic lenses, based on conceptual consistency will be discussed. Suggestions for future theoretical and empirical research that might bring the fields closer will be presented.


Teaching Concepts to Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Why Not Look at Instructional Design?

ELIS MARIA TUON PEREIA VAZ (Instituto PAR), Ana Carolina Sella (Aprendizagem em Pauta), Anna Beatriz Queiroz (Bá Educa e Instituto Par)

Concepts can be defined as a class of stimuli that share critical, essential or “must-have” features. The members of a class also have varying or “can-have” features that can vary across the members. It is important to highlight that concepts cannot be aprioristically defined; they are dependent on the verbal community. For example, some exemplars of a class might belong to other stimulus classes in another verbal community. The boundaries of a given concept might be difficult to teach through discrimination procedures, so not only multiple exemplars are necessary; the features of each exemplar must be carefully selected to improve chances of boundary discrimination. And members of one class cannot belong to another class being taught. Based on this XXX, the purpose of this presentation is to present a literature review of behavior analytic studies that taught concepts to children with autism. Criteria for inclusion were: a) studies with people with autism spectrum disorders; b) applied empirical studies; c) that aimed at teaching concepts; d) instructional design had to be mentioned in the title or in the abstract. Six studies were found. Their analysis is presented and suggestions for future theoretical and empirical research are discussed.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh