Behavior Intervention in Brain Injury Rehabilitation Settings |
Sunday, May 26, 2024 |
3:00 PM–3:50 PM |
Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin Hall 9-10 |
Area: CBM; Domain: Service Delivery |
Chair: Maria Clara Cordeiro (Endicott College, Centre for Neuro Skills, Guia para Análise do Comportamento) |
Discussant: Chris M. Schaub (ReMed) |
CE Instructor: Maria Clara Cordeiro, M.A. |
Abstract: Sustaining a brain injury may result in the presentation of unique behavioral needs. Whether in the form of challenging behaviors such as socially inappropriate language and aggression which need to be decreased, equally as important are those skills which need to be acquired during rehabilitation. In this symposium, presenters will discuss a breadth of topics regarding behavior management needs in rehabilitation settings. In the first presentation, data collected from a survey among brain injury providers will highlight some of the challenging behaviors presented in rehabilitation settings and clinicians’ perspectives on efficacy of treatment. The second presentation will elaborate an example of a treatment to increase social skills implemented with a child who survived a frontal lobe injury. These presentations will serve to demonstrate application of behavior analysis within brain injury rehabilitation settings. Additionally, treatments or examples presented may serve as models for practices which can be applied within brain injury rehabilitation settings while highlighting the importance of behavioral intervention with this population. |
Instruction Level: Basic |
Keyword(s): Behavior Acquisition, Behavior Reduction, Brain Injury, Neurorehabilitation |
Target Audience: Graduate students, practicing behavior analysts |
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) describe themes of sites that effectively manage challenging behaviors ;(2) provide an overview of the impact of challenging behaviors within brain injury on patient outcomes; (3) describe a treatment to increase socially appropriate behaviors for an individual treatment. |
Brain-Injury Related Behaviors: A Problem We Can All Share |
ARIELLE REINDEAU (Craig Hospital) |
Abstract: Brain Injury Related Behaivors (BIRBs) are common in individuals who have sustained moderate-to-severe brain injuries, occurring in 44-74% of the population. A recent cross-sectional study conducted an anonymous national survey of brain injury providers (Nakase-Richardson et. al, 2022). The results of this survey which indicate behaviors impact multiple aspects of an individual’s recovery, including: their ability to access care, to find appropriate discharge locations or to engage fully in their rehabilitation programs will be discussed. Results from providers will be reviewed to indicate how clinicians view effective management of problem behavior. Key resources to behavior management for a brain injury population will be illustrated throughout this talk. This symposium will review common themes to managing problem behavior related to brain injury recovery and clinicians’ perspective on whether their site effectively manages these BIRBs. Caregiver involvement, patient injuries, staff injuries, and engagement with rehabilitation will all be measured across clinicians to determine the impact on outcomes. |
Social Skills Intervention for a Child Following Frontal Lobe Brain Injury |
MARIA CLARA CORDEIRO (Endicott College, Centre for Neuro Skills, Guia para Análise do Comportamento), Chris Persel (Centre for Neuro Skills) |
Abstract: 3. Damage to frontal lobe can result in increases of maladaptive behaviors such as challenges with impulse control and lack of social awareness. Following injury, a 12-year-old boy in a postacute rehabilitation setting demonstrated socially inappropriate behaviors such as cussing in public places or having conversations about sex or drugs with unfamiliar people or in inappropriate contexts. An intervention was implemented in which he was required to categorize various words which he often referenced in public, both appropriate (e.g., dogs, Nascar) or inappropriate (e.g., 69, murder) written as 2D stimuli into categories (e.g., animals, fun activities, sex, violence). Subsequently, he was required to place each category into an additional “level of appropriateness” (based on color and context). Following two baseline sessions for each condition, mastery criteria were met within four sessions and maintained across two sessions without prompts. Percentage of socially inappropriate behaviors across daily interactions decreased following intervention implementation. Data suggest that categorizing verbal responses in the form of 2D stimuli were effective to increase impulse control and decrease socially inappropriate behaviors. |