Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #322
CE Offered: BACB
Data and Systems in the Schools: From Initial Problem-Solving to Maintenance
Sunday, May 26, 2019
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Fairmont, Third Level, Crystal
Area: EDC/DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Megan G. Kunze (University of Oregon)
Discussant: Rebecca Renee Eldridge (Western Michigan University; Kalamazoo Autism Clinic )
CE Instructor: Allaina Douglas, M.A.
Abstract: The fidelity with which evidence-based practices are implemented is a major driver of students’ educational outcomes (Gersten et al., 2009). This symposium includes two research studies examining the training of school staff in the implementation of evidence-based practices using methods consistent with behavioral skills training. The first study examines a critical area for future growth related to service provision for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in public education settings: professional development (in a multi-tiered model) for paraprofessionals. The second study examines the application of research validated decision making models from positive behavioral supports to literacy supports as implemented by general education teachers. Both studies examine the application of behaviorally based practices to areas of significant need and potential impact within the current landscape of educational practice. Further, these studies share an element of seeking to build scalable models of implementation for behavioral practices in educational settings. Together, these studies demonstrate the breadth of potential application of behavioral principles within educational contexts ranging from supporting the integrity of specific behavior supports to supporting the implementation of behaviorally based systems.
Instruction Level: Basic
Target Audience: Teachers, BCBAs in the schools, Behavior specialists, PBIS
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Be familiar with data collection tools during grade-level team meetings. 2. Describe a multi-tiered system of support for paraprofessionals. 3. List key elements needed during trainings of the TIPs model

Team-Initiated Problem Solving During Academic Grade-Level Meetings

PAUL MICHAEL MENG (University of Oregon), Robert H. Horner (University of Oregon)

The fidelity with which evidence-based practices are implemented is a topic of critical concern in education. How to efficiently implement data-based decision making with fidelity has been a topic of concern in the literature related to response to intervention, positive behavioral interventions and supports, as well as other areas. One research-validated practice for implementing data-based decision making with fidelity in the context of problems related to problematic social behavior in schools is Team-initiated Problem Solving (TIPS). The present study examined the extension of this technology to decision making related to academic supports. One grade level team participated in a pilot research study examining the effects of training in TIPS on their problem solving performance during grade-level team meetings. The team was observed twice, once before and after training. The training was an abbreviated version of the full TIPS training which included; (1) Meeting Foundations, (2) Precision Problem Statements, and (3) Using Quantitative Data. Results indicate that the team improved the accuracy of their data analysis as well as the efficiency of their problem solving behavior, as indicated by scores on the Decision Observation, Recording and Analysis (DORA-II) direct observation tool.


Using a Multi-Tiered Consultation Model to Increase Fidelity of Behavior Support Plans for Paraprofessionals in a Preschool Setting

ALLAINA DOUGLAS (University of Oregon ), Jake John Mahon (University of Oregon ), Wendy A. Machalicek (University of Oregon)

Within special education, a reliance on paraprofessionals continues to increase as more students are identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Bolton & Mayer, 2008). It is critical that classroom personnel are trained to effectively implement evidence-based strategies (Downs & Downs, 2012); however, lack of resources and time often results in low treatment fidelity (Mason, et al., 2017). A multi-level consultation model for training preschool staff will be presented. Four children between three and five years of age, with histories of challenging behavior were included. Classroom staff, including three paraprofessionals and one teacher, were trained on individualized Behavior Support Plans (BSP) using Behavioral Skills Training (BST). Performance was monitored to identify additional supports as needed to maintain treatment fidelity. Results indicate higher levels of staff treatment fidelity following intervention and lower levels of child challenging behavior which maintained over time.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh