Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #69
CE Offered: BACB — 
A Systems Approach to Learner-Centered Instruction for Staff and Clients
Saturday, May 25, 2019
12:00 PM–12:50 PM
Fairmont, Second Level, International Ballroom
Area: TBA/VBC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Matthew C. Howarth (Verbal Behavior Associates)
CE Instructor: Matthew C. Howarth, Ph.D.

We present the effects of behavior analytic interventions that resulted in increased supervisor and technician expertise and an analysis of organizational intervention components. The data show that the implementation of a rule governed organizational system to train clinicians supports increases in academic literacy, communication and social skills for pre-school and elementary age clients diagnosed with autism and related communication disabilities in 1:1 settings. In this model, the data generated through measurement of each individual’s responses drive the system. Clinicians are trained through modules that provide in situ opportunities specifically related to the accurate implementation of clients’ programs, choice of strategies and tactics, materials and selection of new objectives. Supervisors collaborate across clinics to improve the accuracy of the feedback delivered during Teacher Performance Rate and Accuracy (TPRA) observations for verbal development protocols. Researchers report more complex data analyses, improved verbal behavior about the science, and increases in rate of learning for the clients taught using a Rule Governed Algorithm which included a Verbal Behavior about the Science Protocol package. We analyze organizational components, discuss relevant measures to consider within the organization, and present meaningful client and staff outcomes when considering a systems approach using data-driven procedures and interlocking contingencies.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Target Audience:

BCBAs and Program Supervisors

Using a Rule Governed Algorithm to Increase Line Technicians Analysis of Instructional Problems and Decrease Clients’ Learn Units to Criterion
KELLY KING (Touchstone and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Dolleen-Day Keohane (Nicholls State University)
Abstract: We tested the effects of a rule governed algorithm on line technicians’ analysis of instructional problems and clients’ learn units to criterion. We used a delayed multiple baseline design across eight participants who worked at a private center and provided 1:1 instruction for clients diagnosed with autism. The participants were selected because they showed interest in verbal behavior about the science and the scientific vocabulary used at the center. The participants had little or no previous experience with Applied Behavior Analysis and did not typically apply the vocabulary of the science when encountering instructional problems in situ. Training at the center included basic vocabulary, decision analysis and measurement but focused on clients’ program specifics and center-wide and client-specific schedules. The independent variable was the implementation of a Rule Governed Algorithm which included a Verbal Behavior about the Science Protocol package. The dependent variables were total and correct learn units delivered by the line technicians, pre- and post-probe data for mastery of the protocol and learn units to criterion for the clients taught.
Methods to Improve Treatment Fidelity
Dolleen-Day Keohane (Nicholls State University), JENNY CRONIER (Seattle Behavior Consulting & Therapy), Mara Katra Oblak (Seattle Behavior Consulting), Kelly King (Touchstone and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Lauren Becnel (The Touchstone Center), Danica Reaves Savoie (Touchstone Center), Mark Flores (Seattle Behavior Consulting & Therapy)
Abstract: Methods to improve treatment fidelity within and across teaching sites should be the subject of more research to increase the validity and reliability of evidence-based treatment. Client programming is designed and implemented to promote generalization, and supervisors should measure the variability of implementation across Registered Behavior TechniciansTM (RBTs®) to ensure treatment fidelity. Additionally, research efforts across teaching sites are stifled by the lack of calibration across researchers for the implementation of evidence-based protocols. This paper describes a cross-clinic calibration procedure designed to increase the accuracy of implementation of verbal behavior developmental protocols by RBTs® using Teacher Performance Rate and Accuracy (TPRA) observations. The procedure includes observations of RBT® protocol implementation and analysis of inter-observer agreement (IOA) across TPRA observations by local and distance collaborating supervisors. Data were collected on the percent of IOA across TPRA observations for each protocol across supervisors. TPRA observations were repeated until criterion for calibration was met. Researchers report the effects of this cross-clinic calibration procedure on the number of correct and incorrect RBT observations by supervisors compared with baseline conditions that did not include multi-site TPRA calibration.

A Systematic Implementation of Organization-Wide Behavior Management Components and the Effects on Student Outcome and Job Performance: A Procedural Analysis and Review of Clinical Outcomes

MARA OBLAK (Seattle Behavior Consulting & Therapy), Jenny Cronier (Seattle Behavior Consulting & Therapy)

ABA service providers recognize the need for effective operating procedures and supervision practices that produce quality outcomes. Complex interactions between supervisors and supervisees should result in effective treatment through accurate instruction and delivery of behavioral interventions. The CABAS® model is a data-driven, research-based system that takes into account the interdependent relationship between teachers, students and their parents, and school supervisory personnel, whose primary function is to train and mentor teachers to continually apply the principles and tactics of the science of behavior to ensure student success (Singer-Dudek, Speckman, & Nuzzolo, 2010). We sought to develop a standardized system of individualized instruction for administrators, students and clinicians utilizing components of the CABAS® model in a private ABA clinic and develop a measurement system to develop the quality of the product. We implemented Learn Units, TPRAs, a Decision protocol, the VBDR assessment, developmental protocols and performance-based modules. This data collection describes the components implemented, a procedural analysis of systems implemented, data analysis for staff and clients and future considerations regarding data driven operating procedures.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh