Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Symposium #89
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching Mathematics, Writing, and Organizational Learning Skills With the Morningside Model of Generative Instruction
Saturday, May 27, 2017
3:00 PM–4:50 PM
Convention Center 405
Area: EDC/PRA; Domain: Translational
Chair: Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy)
Discussant: Paul Thomas Thomas Andronis (Northern Michigan University)
CE Instructor: Kent Johnson, Ph.D.

The Morningside Model of Generative Instruction (MMGI) is a research based protocol for teaching learners of all ages and grades. Over 125 schools in the US and Canada have successfully implemented MMGI with both typically developing students who struggle in school, and children with disabilities. In this symposium, presenters will highlight successful innovations in implementing MMGI with middle school, high school and college students. In the first presentation, Brien McGuire will describe a procedure for going beyond standard fluency building procedures to design individualized, targeted fluency practice for students in a pre-algebra class. In the second presentation, Nicole Erickson will present procedures for teaching learners themselves to use MMGIs teacher led delayed prompting procedures to coach each other in applying written composition and conceptual mathematics methods to new assignments beyond those presented during instruction. In the third presentation, Scott Beckett will describe how MMGI design, diagnosis, precision teaching, and explicit instruction procedures have been adapted to remediate algebra deficiencies in students at Jacksonville State University. In the fourth presentation, Shiloh Isbell will describe her design of a web-based application to teach reinforce, and build the fluency of organizational skills of adolescents who struggle in high school.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): precision teaching
Design and Implementation of a Fluency Program for Essentials for Algebra, A Pre-Algebra Curriculum
(Service Delivery)
BRIEN MCGUIRE (Morningside Academy)
Abstract: Fluency-building is a key component of concept acquisition and retention. Students in the pre-algebra program at Morningside Academy are asked to digest and retain increasingly complex and varied mathematical concepts over the course of a school year. Designing and adding targeted fluency work to SRA’s direct instruction program, Engelmann’s Essentials for Algebra, helps us streamline our teaching, allowing us to more easily target areas of weakness for each individual student and provide more practice opportunities in these areas of need, while doing away with extraneous practice on concepts in which the student has demonstrated mastery. This lets us dispense with traditional homework problem sets in favor of targeted fluency work for each student. This presentation will discuss the creation and implementation of this fluency program. Throughout the school year, students are prescribed fluency slices tailored to their demonstrated needs, as determined by in-class observation, bookwork, and error analysis of assessment data. Effectiveness of the fluency component is shown through data plotted on Standard Celeration charts, and assessment observation and analysis of conceptual strands.
Peer Coaching to Increase Application of Skills Taught in Mathematics and Writing Instruction
(Service Delivery)
NICOLE ERICKSON (Morningside Academy)
Abstract: At Morningside, we use a Delayed Prompting procedure to help our students answer questions that require applying the reading, math and writing principles that we have taught them, in new contexts. During instruction, the teacher asks questions and uses prompts to help a student accurately answer comprehension questions. Following an error, rather than calling on another student who may know the answer, we help the student identify how they can improve their answer. We use a series of organizational, language, content, and definition prompts to improve their answers. Last year, students were taught how to use delayed prompting procedures to help one another during reading comprehension. After implementing the peer delayed prompting procedures in reading, students showed a gain of 3 years on the ITBS Reading Comprehension test. In addition, there was a notable increase in confidence and critical thinking ability. After seeing these improvements in reading, peer delayed prompting procedures were also applied to math and writing. For each subject, a new delayed prompting sheet was created for the students to use during peer delayed prompting blocks. Data showing students’ growth in all three academic areas and videos of the peer delayed prompting will be presented.

Blending Online Adaptive Instruction With In-Class Rate-Building Instruction to Increase Student Success in a College Remedial Algebra Classroom

(Service Delivery)
Scott Beckett (Jacksonville State University), COURTNEY S. PEPPERS-OWEN (Jacksonville State University), Mary Kathryn Reagan (Jacksonville State University), Kalie Bible (Behavioral ONE)

Developmental algebra presents a huge hurdle for 50% of college students nationwide, preventing many from graduating. Students exhaust financial aid and lose earning potential, and schools lose tuition dollars. At Jacksonville State University, Board Certified Behavior Analysts in Learning Skills have designed an accelerated developmental algebra course that blends online, adaptive instruction (provided by EdReady) with in-class, evidence-based teaching practices adapted from the Morningside Model of Generative Instruction. Over the past four semesters, students with an average age of 19 have increased passing rates from below 50% to above 75%, ACT composite scores from 17-19. Roughly equal percentages of females and males, and African-Americans and Caucasians achieved substantial improvements. Two on-site Board Certified Behavior Analysts train and supervise four psychology graduate students as teaching assistants, resulting in a four to one student to teacher ratio. The graduate students commit to two years and earn 1500 supervision hours at no cost as partial payment for their teaching. They learn and apply MMGIs component-composite analysis, diagnosis and remediation, precision teaching, and explicit instruction components. They have also created flashcards and practice sheets aligned with the online developmental math curriculum.


App Engagement and Gamification: An Analysis of User Data to Determine the Effectiveness of In-App Reinforcers and Inform Interventions for Students With Executive Functioning Deficits

(Service Delivery)
SHILOH M ISBELL (Precision Learning Lab)

Students struggling in school with organization deficits need to be taught skills such as homework organization, time management, self-advocacy, and project management. Once these skills are fluent, students notice improvement in their grades, work quality, and stress level. Unfortunately, these reinforcers are often too far removed to maintain pro-student behaviors. This presentation discusses the creation of a computer application, Learning Lab Assistant, to promote organization skills in students with executive functioning problems, as well as data collection and analysis to determine app effectiveness. The main focus of the presentation is how to increase app interaction utilizing principles of gamification as viewed within a behavior analytic framework. Gamification as a concept will be explained, including critical and variable features, as well as a discussion of player and reinforcement types. The effectiveness of changes in app design to include gamified aspects is shown using student engagement data collected by the Learning Lab Assistant app.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh