Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Symposium #22
CE Offered: BACB — 
The Autism Explosion: Using Technology to Teach and Implement Applied Behavior Analysis and Best Practices to Multiple Team Members in Educational Settings
Saturday, May 27, 2017
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Convention Center 406/407
Area: EDC/AUT; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Laurie Sperry (Yale School of Medicine; Regis University)
CE Instructor: Roz Prescott, M.A.
Abstract: With increases in numbers of children identified with learning and behavioral challenges, schools and educational programs face more pressure to provide quality, positive and effective supports for students with special needs. According to the US Department of Education, in 2013 there were over 5.5 million students ages 6-21 in the United States served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B, 21.3% were identified with autism, intellectual disability and/or emotional disturbance. The field of Applied Behavior Analysis continues to expand its reach in educational settings across the globe, but intervention can often be costly, time consuming, too far away and/or at levels outside of an educator or paraprofessionals level of expertise. This session will provide participants with an insight into three strategies for successfully implementing Applied Behavior Analytic practices into educational settings using technology that is accessible, cost effective, on-demand, and geared towards an educator's and/or paraprofessionals' skill level. Each of these methods will provide quantitative outcome data and qualitative narratives regarding their impact and success with clients across the United States and Internationally, and will address challenges of implementing Applied Behavior Analysis into rural and developing settings. Success stories achieved will be shared as well as challenges that continue to exist.
Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): professional development, schools, students, tehnology

Put Me in Coach: Using a Train the Trainer Model Approach to Promote Capacity Building and Effective Implementation of Best Practices in Educational Settings


The decision to implement new technology platforms in schools requires a financial investment, commitment to change, and time to learn and implement a new program. Stakeholders have priorities of student growth outcomes but also must be concerned with teacher engagement and fidelity of program use in which they have invested. Finding the time, financial and staff resources, and ongoing support continues to be a challenge in educational settings across the country and beyond. Research shows that using a train the trainer approach is an efficient and effective model in developing the professional repertoire of large groups of staff working in schools. The session will look at strategies to develop a train the trainer protocol, discuss the implementation process within school support frameworks, and address outcomes from current models used with a specific platform within the United States. The session will use both quantitative and qualitative data to share successes and continued needs in developing this training method to engage staff and increase the use of applied behavior analytic practices effectively and with success in school settings.

Using Technology to Enhance Clinical Supervision and Training in Educational Settings
Abstract: A growing body of published literature is forming a research basis to inform supervisors on how, when, and why to use technology-based supervision and training. In order to meet the ever-increasing need for clinical supervision in educational settings, supervisors are turning towards technology as a mechanism for supervision. The use of technology provides opportunities to implement evidence-based supervision, evaluate staff competencies, and provide feedback to shape effective interactions between supervisees and clients. A review of an empirically based approach to clinical supervision in educational settings will be presented. In addition, implications and suggestions for future research in this area will be discussed.
The Assistant Impact: Utilizing Technology and Applied Behavior Analysis Practices for Effective Development of Paraprofessionals Supporting Students with Autism in Educational Settings
Abstract: Paraprofessionals are pivotal to the success of special education students. There are more 1.2 million paraprofessionals engaged in the education of students (US Department of Labor, 2014). The vast majority of special education paraprofessionals, 97%, report providing 1:1 instruction to students with disabilities (Carter, O’Rourke, Sisco, & Pelsue, 2009). To deal with the shortage of special education teachers and number of students receiving special education services, paraprofessionals are often forced to serve in instructional roles for which they are not qualified (Ghere, 2003). Many paraprofessionals do not receive adequate training to meet the high demands of this profession (However, Ghere and York-Barr (2007). This presentation will provide participants a strategy for effective paraprofessional training using Applied Behavior Analysis, technology, and online learning. Learn how the large school districts in Florida and New York have used technology including video-based training and on-site coaching to increase the knowledge, skills, and behavior of paraprofessionals supporting children with autism and other disabilities. Quantitative outcome data and qualitative narratives regarding the impact and success of this model will be shared. This session will illustrate the importance of the paraprofessional role for student success, and an effective professional development model to enhance this important role.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh