Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Fourth International Conference; Australia, 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #29
CE Offered: BACB
Widespread Training and Dissemination In Australia and New Zealand of a Non-Linear ABA Model for Supporting People with Challenging Behaviour Part A
Monday, August 13, 2007
2:30 PM–3:50 PM
L2 Room 4
Area: DDA/TBA; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Gary W. LaVigna (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)
CE Instructor: Gary W. LaVigna, Ph.D.

For more than 15-years, the Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis (IABA) has been engaged in widespread training and dissemination of ABA in support of people with challenging behavior in Australia and New Zealand. This has included lecture courses covering basic principles; practicum training; and the training of trainers. Well over a thousand trainees have participated in these programs from all seven Australian states and from both the North and South Islands of New Zealand. The results of this training and dissemination program have been reported in the literature in a number of journal articles. This two part symposium brings this literature up to date, with reports at the state and agency levels on systems impact (Part A) and with a number of Type III case studies demonstrating effectiveness across a wide range of behaviors and clientele, including those typically not represented in the published literature (Part B).

Tasmanian Training of Trainers: Training Practitioners to Meet Defined Standards and Resulting Client Outcomes.
MATTHEW SPICER (Tasmanian Disability Services: Tasmania, Australia), Nicola Crates (Tasmanian Disability Services: Tasmania, Australia)
Abstract: A recently published study reported that IABA's training of trainers program was capable of training a team of trainers (in New Zealand) to train behavioral practitioners to carry out comprehensive functional assessments and to develop multi-element support plans that met defined standards to the same level of performance that their own trainees are able to attain. However, the effects of this program on client behaviors were not reported in that study. This paper reports a replication of IABA’s training of trainers program in Tasmania and shows similar outcomes. However, the effects on client outcomes was also measured and showed that client behavior, both in terms of occurrence and episodic severity, were also dramatically improved. Client profiles included those with forensic backgrounds, brain injury, intellectual disabilities and autism.
The Development of Community Based, Behavior Intervention Support Teams In Victoria Australia: Current Status.
GARY RADLER (ABA Private Practice)
Abstract: Fifteen years ago, IABA's multi-element model provided the framework for the development of state-wide, community based, behavior intervention support teams (BIST’s) throughout Victoria. Previously published studies reported that the “overall success rate was substantial” in terms of client outcomes and that this model for providing support was “cost efficient.” This paper reports the extent to which the IABA model continues to provide the framework for BIST, the extent to which BIST practices may have varied from the model, and the extent to which BIST has kept up with the model’s continuing development over the past 15-years.
Using Organization Behavior Management to Improve and Maintain Service Quality.
ADRIAN HIGGINS (Dunedin Community Care Trust; Dunedin, New Zealand)
Abstract: One compenent of IABA’s multi-element model, referred to as Periodic Service Review (PSR), involves the use of the principles and procedures of organizational behavior management to assure the quality of behavioral and other services and to assure the consistent implementation of behavioral support plans. A PSR system has four elements: operationally defined process and outcome standards, frequent monitory against those standards, the use of visual feedback graphs to motivate staff, and competency based, criterion referenced staff training. After briefly reviewing the published literature on PSR applications, this paper reports an agency wide application and the results obtained in improving and maintaining service quality as measured against operationally defined outcome and process standards.
Training Parents to Reliably Measure the Quality of Behavioral Services against Defined Standards.
YVONNE CREW (ABA Private Practice; Queensland, Australia), Alice Corcoran (Parent)
Abstract: IABA has derived a set of defined standards from the published ABA literature for the purposes of evaluating the quality of behavioral services in the area of challenging behavior. These standards have been used to reliably evaluate the behavioral services provided by IABA staff, IABA trainees, and the trainees of the trainers trained by IABA. This study investigated whether parents of children with disabilities could be trained to reliably evaluate the kinds of behavioral services that might be needed by their child. Specifically, parents were trained to use an instrument that defined 140 separate criteria for evaluating Comprehensive Functional Assessments and their resulting recommended Multi-element Behavioral Support Plans. After training, by comparing different parent’s, criteria by criteria, independent evaluations to each other, criteria by criteria agreements and disagreements were identified and reliability indices were calculated. The conclusion is that parents can be trained to reliably evaluate the quality of behavioral services against defined criteria. The implications of this for parent training and for holding services agencies accountable to the consumers they service are discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh