Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

Course Sequence Information

Search for Verified Course Sequences by country. Only active Verified Course Sequences will appear in this directory. Course sequences and VCS Coordinator information are renewed and updated annually. Please note that different editions have specific course content and hour requirements; the 4th Edition sequences are archived records indicated as "retired."


The BACB VCS status or logo is not a seal of quality, it only indicates that select courses meet the minimum number of courses for BACB certification eligibility. ABAI cannot guarantee the quality of programs offering a VCS. However, ABAI-accredited and ABAI-recognized programs have been reviewed for quality. All ABAI-accredited (Tier 1) and ABAI-recognized (Tiers 2a and 2b) programs meet the BACB’s degree and coursework eligibility requirements for BCBA exam via Pathway 1. All ABAI-accredited (Tier 1) programs meet the BACB’s degree and coursework eligibility requirements for BCaBA certification via Pathway 1. Additional information about programs and certification options is available in FAQs section.


New coursework requirements for Pathway 2 applications for BCBA and BCaBA eligibility take effect January 1, 2027. Please refer to the BACB's website for eligibility requirements and upcoming changes to BACB examination eligibility. Contact the program coordinator to learn more about whether the program will be meeting updated eligibility requirements.


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

51293 BCBA 5th Edition (degree) - [expired] (BACB - Fifth Edition)

4190 City Ave | Philadelphia | PA | United States |

Course Sequence Number
51293 BCBA 5th Edition (degree) - [expired]
Edition Name
BACB - Fifth Edition
Certification Level
Coursework Level
Mode of Instruction
both on-campus and online
Program Name
MS in School Psychology with a specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis
Credit System
Other Versions:
This institution is on a Trimester system
Content Areas and Courses BACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement System; Professionalism Philosophical Underpinnings Concepts & Principles Philosophical Underpinnings; Concepts & Principles (BCaBA use only) Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation; Experimental Design Behavior Assessment Behavior-Change Procedures; Selecting and Implementing Interventions Personnel Supervision and Management Start Date:
First Time Offered
End Date:
Last Time Offered
45 90 45 45 60 30
30 45 30 45 60 15
SPSY 524     45           06/15/2020
SPSY 525             45   02/15/2021
SPSY 526         45       11/15/2020
SPSY 527 45               06/01/2020
SPSY 528           45     11/15/2020
SPSY 531   45             06/15/2020
SPSY 535             15 30 02/15/2021
Contact Information
Jessica Kendorski (Chair, Department of School Psychology)
Modifed by Eddie Soh