Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


47th Annual Convention; Online; 2021

All times listed are Eastern time (GMT-4 at the time of the convention in May).

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Poster Session #255
TBA Sunday Poster Session
Sunday, May 30, 2021
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
38. The Effect of Self-Monitoring to Increase the Implementation of Discrete Trial Training on Staff Working With Children With Disabilities
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
ERICA SPIEGEL (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Chrystal Jansz Rieken (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)

This study expanded on the current research on using self-monitoring checklists to teach staff how to implement discrete trial training (DTT) effectively. DTT is a structured methodology for teaching new skills. Previous research has demonstrated that self-monitoring can be effective for teaching DTT methods to staff. If staff are inefficiently trained, delivery of the DTT procedures can negatively effect the child’s academic progress (Belfiore et al., 2008). To teach children independence in skills, it is important that the staff working with these students are well trained. Educators may not implement such evidence-based interventions for children with ASD with appropriate procedural integrity over a length of time (Collier-Meek, Sanetti, & Fallon, 2017). Research consistently shows us that many educators struggle to implement interventions as and as a result, these low levels of implementation generally result in poorer student outcomes (Collier-Meek et al., 2017). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-monitoring on treatment integrity with staff implementing a discrete trial training program, as well as child skill acquisition, and maintenance of procedures. It was hypothesized that self-monitoring will help staff to develop skills required for implementing effective DTT methods, and also allow for staff to maintain the DTT skills. Results showed that all staff improved their performance once intervention had begun, and were able to maintain their high performance scores.

39. Using "Baby Yoda" to Augment Teaching in Behavioral Courses
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
CODY LINDBLOOM (University of Arkansas), Brenna R Griffen (University of Arkansas), Elizabeth R. Lorah (University of Arkansas)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Almost four decades of research supports the usage of feature films and television series in teaching psychological science concepts in higher education. Given that more higher education instruction is moving towards remote and online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, instructors should have a variety of multimedia resources readily available to provide sufficient instruction. Upon reviewing articles which use various films and television series to provide psychological science instruction, the benefits in using a character’s consumption behavior from the Disney+ original series, The Mandalorian, in teaching the four-term contingency and frequency data collection are explored. After reviewing the character’s behavior over two seasons of The Mandalorian, it appears that using Grogu’s consumption behavior to teach behavioral content in higher education psychology and behavioral courses is a likely resource.
40. Teaching Reinforcement and Punishment: A Comparison of a 2 X 2 and a Matching Matrix
Area: TBA; Domain: Basic Research
BARBARA METZGER (Troy University), Landon Dubose (Troy University), Kathryn Waller (Troy University), Frank Hammonds (Troy University)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Despite the importance of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment in the field of behavior analysis; there is a paucity of research showing effective methods of teaching them. The purpose of these experiments was to evaluate the effectiveness of Flora and Pavlik’s (1990) 2 X 2 Matrix and a Matching Matrix in teaching the four terms. Using a pre-post experimental design, we taught college students the four terms. We used a PowerPoint lecture based on behavior skills training with the 2 X 2 Matrix in Experiment 1 and a Matching Matrix in Experiment 2. We measured accuracy of identifying the four terms via written multiple-choice tests. We also measured accuracy of producing novel examples as a generalization test. In Experiment 1, participants identified positive reinforcement and negative punishment more accurately than negative reinforcement and positive punishment. An error analysis showed that participants rarely made reinforcement/punishment errors but were more likely to make positive/negative errors. (We will be collecting data for Exp.2 in Spring of 2021.) Our data support the use of the 2 X 2 Matrix, but it may be best suited for a beginning level course. We propose a Matching Matrix for more advanced courses.
41. Optimizing Schedules of Reinforcement for Skill Acquisition: A Systematic Review
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
AAISHAY HAQUE (Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg), Jonathan W. Ivy (The Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg )
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: The use of various schedules of reinforcement is an integral part of skill acquisition behavior change programs in the field of applied behavior analysis, organizational behavior management, behavior modification and other related fields. However, there is limited guidance available to practicing behavior analyst how to alter a schedule from an initial value to an optimal degree. Hagopian et al., 2011 explored considerations for and provided the recommendation towards schedule thinning procedures for reduction of problem behavior. To the authors’ knowledge, there is an absence of recommendations in this manner for skill acquisition. As a result, practitioners must often make arbitrary schedule decisions, which may comprise the efficiency of treatment programming. Thus, the primary purpose of this review is to analyze literature to provide practitioners with recommendations on the variables that must be evaluated to make optimal adjustments to a reinforcement schedule in skill acquisition programs. We conducted a systematic review of texts and articles selected from a peer reviewed article containing a list of the most frequently assigned readings in behavior analysis graduate training programs, the ABAI online syllabus bank, and an online keyword search of behavior analytic articles using PsychINFO & ERIC.
42. Specialization and Meaningful Application of Behavior Analysis- A Fellowship Model for Aspiring Behavior Analysts
Area: TBA; Domain: Theory
DANIELLE TIBERT (Constellations Behavioral Services)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: As the demand for behavior analysts continues to increase, mentorship models must apply training mechanisms that efficiently provide meaningful learning opportunities, while ensuring the mentees’ ability to practice independently after certification (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, 2020). The outcomes required of a mentorship model include both shaping a competent behavior analyst, able to perform the requirements set forth by various accreditation entities, while also providing a quality service to their clients. We will present the development of a mentorship model that supports organizational sustainability, while providing a group of mentees the opportunity to develop skills within an identified specialization of behavior analysis. The model demonstrates efficiency with shaping competent behavior analyst, as evidenced by the rate of board certification of mentees, retention of mentorship model behaviors analysts post certification, and demonstration of their ability to independently practice across the industries of healthcare and education.
43. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Teacher Versus Self-Evaluation/Self-reflection Feedback to Increase Students’ Behavioral Observation Skills
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
MARCIE DESROCHERS (State University of New York, Brockport), Jie Zhang (SUNY Brockport), Michael Fensken (University of Nevada-Las Vegas)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Online instruction involving large class sizes is becoming a common phenomenon in higher education. Although teacher feedback is typically delivered for assignments to promote learning, student self-evaluation/self-reflection of learning may be a more practical method of managing the instructional environment while fostering students’ independence or self-determination. In this action research experiment, the effectiveness of four methods of delivery of feedback on students’ acquisition of behavioral observation skills were compared. Participants (N = 132) were randomly assigned to one of four methods of providing feedback: teacher only (TT condition), student self-evaluation/self-reflection only (SS condition), teacher-then-student self-evaluation/self-reflection (TS condition), or student self-evaluation/self-reflection-then-teacher (ST condition). Participants were asked to complete behavioral assessments for two training video-based scenarios with feedback delivered within 48 hours after each and then two assessment video-based scenarios were assigned. The results, both for a random sample of individual learners as well as at the overall group difference level, show that the SS, ST, and TT conditions were superior to the TS condition for acquisition of behavior observation skills. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
44. AIMing Higher: Using a Multidimensional Approach to Conduct Balanced Supervision of Behavior Analytic Trainees
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
TAYLOR MARDIS DEWOODY, M.A., BCBA, LBA (Autism in Motion Clinics), Jana Sarno, M.A., BCBA (Autism in Motion Clinics), Emily Doak, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA (Autism in Motion Clinics)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: With such rapid growth in the field of applied behavior analysis, effective supervision practices are vital in the training and mentorship of Board Certified Behavior Analysts to ensure clinical effectiveness. The recent literature reports the requirement of a competency-based approach to the supervision of behavior analytic trainees, including baseline assessment of skills, the use of behavioral skills training, delivery of timely and effective feedback, developing case conceptualization, teaching problem-solving skills, and shaping decision-making repertoires. Additionally, supervising BCBAs hold an ethical obligation to the evaluation of supervision practices and their outcomes. This poster presents a competency-based training model aligned with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline 2.0 (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, 2018), while incorporating the Competence and Confidence Checklist (CCC; Brodhead, Quigley, & Wilczynski, 2018) to evaluate training outcomes and opportunities for continued professional development. This approach utilizes a competency-based approach to training while incorporating the CCC as a self-assessment for future professional development opportunities, allowing trainers to model ethical decision making in practice and proper methods for consultation. This poster presents an overview of each component's design and implementation as part of a training package, as well as future directions for supervision research.
46. Teaching School Personnel the Basics of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Function-Based Intervention
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
SAMANTHA GOLDMAN (Assumption University)
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: It is well-established that function-based interventions, developed based on results of functional behavioral assessment (FBA), are the most effective means of addressing student problem behavior. However, school personnel are often not trained in these procedures. Although highly trained behavior specialists should conduct FBAs and write behavior intervention plans (BIP), it is important for school personnel who are involved in the assessment and implementation process to develop an understanding of these procedures. In this study, we provided training on FBA/BIP for 14 employees of a large, diverse, urban school district. Four 90-min sessions were provided by the district Behavior Intervention Consultant with 100% fidelity. Pre- and post-test data were collected using established measures of FBA/BIP knowledge and confidence. A measure of social validity was also completed at post-test. Although post-test data have not yet been collected, we will evaluate changes in FBA/BIP knowledge and confidence from pre- to post-test and quantitatively summarize social validity results. Findings from this pilot study contribute to the research on FBA/BIP training that is provided by district specialists for other school personnel, under typical professional development circumstances, in diverse, urban school districts with limited resources.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh