Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


50th Annual Convention; Philadelphia, PA; 2024

Event Details

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Symposium #299
CE Offered: BACB
Methodologies for Acquired Brain Injury Training: Barriers, Retrospective Review & Caregiver Training
Sunday, May 26, 2024
6:00 PM–6:50 PM
Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin Hall 12-13
Area: CBM/BPN; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Anneka Hofschneider (Centre for Neuro Skills)
CE Instructor: Anneka Hofschneider, Ph.D.

Annual estimates in the United States report nearly 795,00 people to suffer a stroke and 214,110 hospitalizations related to a traumatic brain injury (TBI) to occur. Alarming data also state someone suffers a stroke once every forty seconds while 586 TBI-related hospitalizations take place daily (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). Given these statistics: research, practice, and dissemination of behavior analytic applications within brain injury rehabilitation is necessary. This symposium will highlight recent research and retrospective review of staff and caregiver training across the continuum of brain injury (neurorehabilitation) rehabilitation. The first presentation will share with the audience existing barriers identified by current practitioners in the field of neurorehabilitation. Implications and considerations from the study will be discussed. The second presentation will review findings from procedures aimed at training staff to collect novel data at an acute neurorehabilitation setting. Pre-and post-training data will be reviewed. The third paper will share results from a Behavioral Skills Training (BST) package for stroke caregivers implementing multidisciplinary skills. Limitations and future directions will be discussed. Presenting authors will illustrate the efficacious relationship and continued need of behavior analytic principles within neurorehabilitation.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): barriers analysis, brain injury, caregiver training, staff training
Target Audience:

basic; practitioners

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentations, participants will be able to: (1) identify barriers noted by behavior analytic practitioners in brain injury rehabilitation; (2) provide an overview of how individualized data collection systems could change rehabilitation practices in relation to managing behavior; (3) identify components of a stroke caregiver training package and its utility for multidisciplinary training.
Behavior Analytic Services in Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Identifying Barriers and Promoting Progress
Megan R. Heinicke (California State University, Sacramento), AVA MINOLLI (California State University, Sacramento ), Shelby Marie Bryeans (California State University, Sacramento)
Abstract: Acquired brain injury (ABI) is a major public health concern in the United States (Dewan et al., 2018) and can result in behavioral consequences that impede rehabilitation goals and limit independent living options (Heinicke & Carr, 2014). Behavior analysts are well equipped to serve ABI survivors (LeBlanc et al., 2013; Mozzoni, 2008); however, only 0.08% of board certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) report doing so (BACB, n.d.). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate why limited visibility and recognition of applied behavior analysis (ABA) remains a critical barrier to workforce development in ABI settings. We asked 12 subject matter experts to describe their experiences via semi-structured interviews and conducted a thematic analysis using a semantic approach (Braun & Clark, 2006; 2013). We organized our results into the following domains: employment demographics (e.g., team models, common behaviors addressed), company history with behavior analysis (e.g., who advocated for the addition of BCBAs), value (e.g., perceived value of ABA from their team), barriers (e.g., why barriers exist, potential solutions), and final thoughts (e.g., advice for behavior analysts). We will discuss how a better understanding of the identified barriers can aid in informing more specific and effective strategies to tackle these ongoing obstacles.
Findings From a Retrospective Review on Staff Training in a Hospital Setting
OLIVIA CRIDDLE (Craig Hospital), Arielle Reindeau (Craig Hospital)
Abstract: This presentation will focus on a retrospective chart review conducted at an acute neurorehabilitation unit. Providing the audience with a view into the initial stages of the brain injury rehabilitation continuum, the presenting author will describe and share a comparison assessment of a patient’s brain injury related behaviors (BIRBs) before and after the implementation of an applied behavior analysis-based neurobehavioral program. In addition to this comparison, the presenting author will review the data collection systems developed and used in the acute (hospital) setting. This data collection system has been used for over 110 patients, all who have suffered moderate-to-severe brain injuries. This presentation will offer the audience the following: conceptualization of how to operationalize medically-oriented behaviors; a timeline of staff training to collect novel data; and a review of the statistical analysis conducted on data at pre- and post-program time periods. Data will be reviewed depicting outcomes on brain injury related behaviors (BIRBs).
Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training for Stroke Caregivers
ANNEKA HOFSCHNEIDER (Centre for Neuro Skills), L. Fernando Fernando Guerrero (Institute for Effective Behavioral Interventions)
Abstract: Following a stroke, an individual may experience a multitude of long-lasting effects including physical, cognitive, and behavioral changes. These changes often impact home and family dynamics, particularly a caregiver’s role. For example, caregivers may find themselves in opposing roles such a child giving care to a parent. Caregiving at the various stages of stroke recovery requires individualized and patient and caregiver-specific goals. Additionally, goals or skills may come from various disciplines and specialties typically involved in stroke rehabilitation (for example, Physical Therapy). Despite support for caregiver training, there is little information on effective and useful methods to train those finding themselves in a caregiving role. This study evaluated the use of Behavioral Skills Training for three caregivers implementing skills from three disciplines (Occupational, Physical, & Speech Therapy). Results will be discussed including demonstration of criterion-level performance and above-baseline generalization probes for all caregivers. Data and future directions will also be reviewed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh